Dr. Ulaş Baysal is one of the partners at Baysal & Demir Law Firm. He is responsible for the employment practice of the firm.
Ulaş advises companies on all aspects of individual and collective employment law as well as occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations. He regularly acts as an official mediator in negotiations between trade unions and employers/employers’ associations. He is a well-known expert on collective bargaining disputes and he is called on for his expertise not only by the courts but also by the parties to the dispute.
On the individual employment law side, he particularly focuses on disputes arising from c-level employment relationships. He assists clients in collective dismissal, restructurings and outsourcing transactions. Recently he has concentrated on mobility, remote work, and the gig economy and employment relations.
Ulaş lectures on employment law, OHS law, trade unions and collective bargaining agreement law at Istanbul Technical University.
He is the author of various well-regarded publications and has been a speaker or panellist for various organisations. The Turkish Court of Cassation has made reference to his books and articles in recent court of appeal precedents.
German, English
- Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification, PD Dr. Habil. (2020)
- Gazi University, Law Faculty, Turkey, Ph.D. (2011)
- Ruprecht–Karls University, Law Faculty, Heidelberg, Germany, LL.M (2005)
- Ankara University, Law Faculty, Turkey, LL.B. (2001)